Wide Defense

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Wide Defense

Wide Defense is a special weight disk that was only available through a limited individual release in Japan and Random Boosters.


  • Weight: 15g

Wide Defense has a completely circular shape with six inset notches and one outset notch. Despite its rather large width, it is relatively light; roughly the same weight as 10-Balance and more than a gram lighter than 10-Heavy.

Usage in Smash Attack Customization

Wide Defense is an incredibly popular WD choice among Smash Attack enthusiasts and is commonly considered to be the best WD choice for Smash Attackers. The popularity is unsurprising; it seemingly has all of the features of a perfect Smash Attack part. It is lightweight and the little weight it has is focused around the perimeter of the Beyblade. Both of these features attribute to a high movement speed. Furthermore, the seven notches can be used for smash attack. Below you will find a popular Smash Attack combo using Wide Defense.

Usage in Defense Customization

Despite its light weight, Wide Defense can be used in Defensive Beyblades to great effect. It effectively forms a barrier of metal on the outside rim of whatever Beyblade is using it. Below you will find a popular Defense combo using Wide Defense.



Wide Defense is a rare enough to be valuable, but common enough that you can obtain it for a reasonable price. It has the potential to improve a large amount of Beyblades it is given to. If you have a chance to get it, you shouldn't miss it.